Thursday, 20 March 2014

IBB Makeup Challenge March 2014 Sponsored by Menard

Hello everyone...sudah lama sekali tidak nulis blog, rasanya sudah berbulan2 yg lalu...hahahah...sorry ini malah tidak terurus, karena kesibukan ku dengan website baru ku, dan jadi Makeup artist itu susah-susah gampang..looo...kog bisa? karena jadi seorang Makeup artist, bukan cm lulus sekolah suda dikatakan bisa untuk jadi Makeup Artist...harus banyak latihan dan belajar, banyak sekali koreksi dan trik-trik yg harus dipelajari...mungkin kalo dibandingkan dengan rumus matematika kimia fisika yang ribet bukan main, Makeup itu jauh lebih ribet dari kebanyakan orang si blgnya gampang jadi MUA, tinggal poles, jadi dah...nonono!!! yah...bnyk la yg harus going so far from the topic...

Jadi untuk kali ini, aku mau ikut IBB Makeup Challenge lagi ini..berasa udah lama sekali gak ikut...maunya ikut yg bulan lalu, ternyata lupa datelines dan gak bikin, akhirnya bulan ini harus ikut...untuk ngelatih Makeup skill ku jg

Makeup Challenge kali ini bertema Natural Glow. Aku paling suka Makeup seperti ini...Kayak my everyday look let's see!!

Kita disuruh buat 3 look yang berbeda2, tapi masih dalam konsep Natural Glow...apa menurut kalian sudah cukup glowing? hahaha...

 for your information my new website
Thank you for visiting my blog

with love...

Monday, 6 January 2014

Christmas Swap with Nia-chan from Nakoneko blog

Hello everyone...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014. ^____^
I really busy recently, I don't have a time to make post..even to visit my own blog, I can't do it. T__T
and may be after this first post in 2014, I will be missing again..(>__<)" gomen ne..!!

anyway, now I will be showing you guys my first Christmas Swap with my besties. Nia_chan We've been becoming friends since in primary school, whoahh...that really a long time my dear besties nia-chan...but we keep contact until now...we both love makeup from Korea and Japan. we also having a makeup colaboration before this christmas swap, but as always, I have no time to post she also keep busy with her work, as medical student. fighting dear, You will become a great doctor. I miss you so much....keep-in-touch y say...(^___^)

Thank you Nia-chan...You know I love Hello Kitty.
This box is really cute..Full of Hello Kitty 

 Look at what is inside the Box...Spot Rossy Tint Lips. Super in love with this one
 What I got from Nia-chan
- Wet and wild Fergie eyeshadow - this one always in my daily makeup it
- Mizzu eyeliner pen - I curious about this eyeliner, and I got it. the quality is great too
- Rosy Tint Lips - This is the one I spot when open the gift. so cute and sweet...:)
- Maybelline Baby Lips - I still using smoothing cherry, I will use it after finish it.
Laneige, Too cool for school Etude house sample. 

Thank you Nia-chan. I love all of these..^__^ and we should having another swap, may be on valentine day, and on June - our birthday's month...

beside those christmas swap present, I also got christmas present from my boyfriend. lol. He bought me this laces dress from Bangkok. I don't know how he hide it from me...hmmm...and the Mango cardigan. I asked him to buy me a cardigan for chrismas present, bcoz I don't know he will give me that laces dress, I love to wear a cardigan. I have been looking for black and white stripe cardigan a long time ago..and I found it at Mango. unlucky the size is too big for me, anyway, I love it..
Thank you so much hun...I love you. 
That's all 2013 Christmas Haul Present. 
Thank you for visiting
with love


Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Holika Holika Heartful Lipstick

Hello everyone...(^0^)// I can't resist to repurchase this super cute lovely lipstick from Holika Holika.
I have ever made post about this Heartful Moisture Lipstick click here

Holika Holika Heartful Moisture Lipstick
I purchase this lipstick when I was in korea last august. I love it because the heart shape of the lipstick.however this lipstick is not pigmented. the staying power were only around 2-3 hours. I need to reapply after eat. anyway I was super in love with the packaging it doesn't matter with the lasting effect.

Holika Holika Launched new range of this heartful lipstick "Holika Holika Heartful Glossy Lipstick".
the packaging is slightly different from the 1st version. simple and look not as pretty as the first one. I love the first version better "lace and pink". 

Heartful glossy lipstick has 7 shade:
- PK 122 Humming Pink
- CR 302 Blushing Peach
- PK 123 Pink Bong Bong
- CR 303 Forever Coral
- RD 303 Coco Red
- PK 124 Smokey Pink

 The packaging is slightly different between Holika holika Glossy lipstick and moisture lipstick
I do prefer to the Holika Holika Moisture Lipstick is cuter with lovely lace and Pink, while Holika Holika Glossy lipstick is so simple. T_T
 Shade no. PK 123 Pink Bong Bong and OR201 Fresh Orange
both of the color are matte.

 OR201 give moisturize effect 
while PK 123 give glossy effect.
OR 201 give more freshy orange on my lips,#sorryformydrylips# 
while PK123 give pretty nude pink color.

What I love?
- YES super cute and sweet Packaging
- The heart shape of lipstick
- Moisturize
- affordable price

What I hate?
- not long lasting

will I repurchase? May be if Holika Holika Launched another heartful version.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Bobbi Brown Smokey Eye Palette

Hello everyone...In the mood of making new post for my blog, because I am free  after having a makeup class though it is..

Bobbi Brown Smokey Eye Palette.
I bet all of you have been known this"Bobbi Brown". This is the first time I bought  expensive eyeshadow^0^- Thanks God Finally I can have it. as you know with only 5 eyeshadow colors cost like 500++, feel like so expensive after purchase it. lol...^^ I didn't buy it on purpose or put wishlist on it. I just saw it on the online store and fall in love with the colors and then purchase random..+_+

The packaging it self is super sophisticated glossy black color. so simple and I love it. as you can see easy to carry on traveling. It doesn't need a lot of space to store.. 

The color is really payoff and pigmented. The color are ivory (matte white color), sterling shimmer wash (shimmer light gray color), steel (matte grey color), black charcoal metallic (shimmer dark grey color), charcoal (Matte black color).

Complimentary with eyeshadow brush flat brush and blending brush. The brustle of the brush itself is very very soft. I don't have to bring extra brush for eyeshadow when on traveling. 

 Swatch on my hand. (without eyeshadow base)
the color is really nice for creating smokey eyes.

What I love?
- easy to carry on traveling
- got complimentary small flat and blending brush is really soft
- pigmented color
- sophiticated packaging

what I hate?
- expensive

will I repurchase? Yes, another version of eye palette from bobbi brown

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Holika Holika Love Fantasy Blush on

Hello, November is coming, mean holiday is coming...lalala....but I don't have a plan for holiday anyway. I have another project for my makeup job. still in process making my new make up blog. hope it will finish soon and I can finish my name card soon as well. bless me...:)

so from the title you guys have been knowing what I'm going to share with you.

Holika Holika Love Fantasy Blush on..

I bought this when I was having trip to Korea last august, I super in love with this blush on from the first time I saw it on Holika holika website. so lovely and sweet.

Look at the packaging is really sweet and cute #cutenessoverloaded#
I have my color in Peach and Pink
Cute bow on the top of blush puff
Look at those heart shape..super in love with it..#lovelovelove#
soft puff, easy to use and blend on cheeks

swatch on my hand, a lil bit shimmer and sheer color. look pretty natural on cheeks.

I really love this blush, not only from the packaging, the color is very light and has a little shimmer on it. The gradation showing on my cheek is really pretty. I prefer to use the fluffy blush puff, than blush brush, because it will transfer the color much better. The blush puff is really soft and cute. ^0^

What I love?
- Cute Packaging
- Cute and Fluffy blush puff
- easy to use
- easily to blend on cheeks
- the color is pigmented and last longer. 

what I hate?
- Nothing at this moment.

Will I repurchase? Yes, I want to have another color

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Pretty Natural and Soft Make Up for Wedding

Hello everyone...for your information guys, I'm taking Make up course for international bridal. I think I need more and more practices Bridal Make up. I want to give the best for my princess bride, I want to make her look stunning on her wedding day. I hope for the best...

Here I will show you Pretty Natural and Soft Make up for Bride...

Mostly I use Natural and Soft colour is copper, Brown, naked, pink, and Gold

Product I use:
- Holika Holika Aqua Petite Jelly BB Cream
- Make Up Forever Pro-Finish Multi-use powder foundation
- Make Up Forever Sculpting Kit (Face Countour Kit)
- Urban Decay Naked Palette 2
- Bobby Brown Long Wear Gel Eyeliner
- Etude House Easy brow Pencil #02 Brown
- Etude House Styling Eyeliner #02 white
- D'Eyeko False Lashes - Syahrini edition
- Holika Holika Heartful Moisture Lipstick - Fresh Orange

Hope you guys enjoy and like it
Thank you for visiting

with love


Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Jewel Light Waterproof Eyeliner - Holika Holika

Hello everyone..Long time no see my dear blog and Friends
I never got a time to update this blog. This Blog seems like death from just realize I never update since June. I've been busy again and again, in my spare time, I have done some update through Instagram and Path. if you haven't follow me yet, you can follow me @weigoddess. Thank you.

This time I would like to review one of my haul from Last August Korea Trip.
 Sorry for the picture is lil bit blurry because I took it with my phone.

anyway I will upload some picture when I was in Korea in another post. not this time, because I haven't edit the size of the picture, its will be too heavy if I put all of my picture

Jewel Light Waterproof Eyeliner -  Holika Holika
I've been loving this product since I saw the swatch from the first time of their advertisement, but I don't want to purchase it through online shop here, because I have planned a trip to visit Korea last and finally I made it, I purchase it..the price is very cheap compare to the online shop here, if I've no mistaken this is only cost 1.000-1500won. lol..its cost like super very extremely cheap.

The Packaging is simple, yet so pretty right.

Swatch on my hand, the color is pretty sheer and shimmering
Somehow I do love put bright color of eyeliner such as white or silver 
to under my eyes to brighten up the eyes. 
 First rubbing, The color still there but the glitter a lil bit fall out..wuu
 The second rub, I tried quite hard  for it, If you can see my Hand a lil bit red.
The color is starting to fade and The glitter almost gone
 I put somewater and rub again...lalala, 
the color is fading and the glitter has gone

What I love?
- Yes the packaging is pretty
- Easy to apply, but be carefull for the fall out glitter.
- The color is pretty sheer and glittering
- The price is very very very cheap.

what I Hate?
- Somehow The fall off glitter is too much when I apply under my eyes
- Quite waterproof, may be it's because glittering eyeliner. 

will I repurchase?
No. I think I regret to purchase it because I only fall in love with the packaging...for the eyeliner itself is dissapointing...because its not waterproof and the color easy to get fade. lol, but for the cheap price, I think it's okay to try it on.

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